You only need a personal brand to sell franchises

See how Mike Andes does it!

Why you should have a personal brand for franchise sales plus….

Plus I will also discuss it with you today.

  • Mike Andes is the number 1 franchise personal brand

  • Podcasts are still the number one piece of franchise content you can create

Having a personal brand for franchise sales

Something that a lot of people neglect in franchising is having their own personal brand to help sell more franchises. 

Company profiles can only post so much franchise-targeted content, so how else can you get more eyes on your offering? 

The stock standard is generally franchise directory ads, facebook, google ads, business brokers, franchise lead gen companies, via the company website etc…..

However, there is so much that is left on the table by not having people within the business or especially the founder post about being a franchisee in your system. 

You don’t have to be a social media guru either, just take the content that is being created currently and post it under your own name on platforms that you think people will find out about you.

If I were serious about selling more franchises, I would do the following:

Buy your own name as a domain name. 

Simple website with a bit about your journey and any video content you have done. 

Post 5 times a week on one platform (Linkedin, Facebook etc…)

Boost one or two pieces of content on that channel. 

Start a monthly newsletter. 

The reason why most people don’t do the above is because it is hard……………………….

To build a personal brand, you have to be consistent and put in work that you will not see the potential reward of for at least 3-6 months

If you’re doing it yourself it can also be very hard as well, which is why you should engage some help if you're serious about it. 

It can be depressing at times when you see Mark Bouris, and Janine Allis for example smashing out content, however, keep in mind that they have engaged full-time production companies and are spending at least $20 - 30k a month on content. 

Gary Vaynerchuck is rumoured to spend $100k on his content a month, however, you have to look at the return on his investment with Vaynermedia, speaking, business deals etc…..

All of that is on the back of his social media personal brand. 

A personal brand is an investment, content is an investment and those who are consistent with it, always see the results. 

The people who stifle content are out-of-touch board members and people in the business who presume ‘If I don’t use something, no one else uses it’ and from what I can tell there are a lot of those people in franchising. 

Check out Mike Andes

If you want to see this in full force and someone who has sold more than 150 franchises via his personal brand and not his franchise brand, check out Mike Andes from Augusta Lawn Care.

I have interviewed Mike before and at 25 years old, he is probably the most impressive young person I have met. 

He said to me one really powerful thing which I will share and that was “It’s so hard to build a brand these days, even though I have 150 Augusta Lawn Care locations, no one knows my Augusta brand.

I generate most of my franchise sales via my personal brand content, then they learn about the Augusta Lawn Care franchise. 

If you look at Mike's online presence, there are so many good ideas that you can take in terms of content.

Mike’s personal brand content generates all of his sales, not Augusta Lawn Care. 

Those who invest in video content and organic socials, win in business.

Simple as that.

Podcasts for the win!

We had a really big training month with Jim’s, with more than 220 people training over a 30 day period. It’s crazy to think that some people in the room listen to 10-20 podcasts before coming to training. 

It’s essentially 10 hours’ worth of marketing they are listening to, making the sale easier for the franchisor at the end of the day. 

People want to consume at their own pace, it’s why the traditional franchise sale methods in my opinion are becoming less effective and will do so until people learn to adjust.

You need to concentrate on two things. 

  1. Generate the actual lead or at least plant an idea into someone so they search for your franchise offering.

  2. Get your long-form content into their view as much as you can. 

I can’t break it down any simpler than that.

We all generate franchise leads but it’s about getting that video/podcast content into their view as quickly as possible which will ultimately help you see more franchises. 

Please reply to [email protected] with any questions or suggestions on how I can add value to this newsletter for you.